7 Hacks To Help You Sleep Better
Getting enough sleep is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, a lot of people tend to get too little sleep on a regular basis, which can cause serious health problems. The problem is that despite wanting to sleep more, there are times when we simply cannot fall asleep after getting into bed. It can become frustrating and lead to an ongiong struggle to get to sleep. In order to be able to fall asleep more quickly, we gathered a few tips that could help as well as improve your sleep quality overall.
Keep To A Schedule
Try to go to bed at the same time every night. This way, your body will know it’s time to unwind and sleep. Also waking up at the same time each morning (yes, even on weekends) will have a similar effect. Of course, both together is the best.
No Naps
We know there are days where you simply cannot keep your eyes open and you figure you’ll sleep a little for that extra burst of energy. This is a bad idea. Naps tend to either make you tired or prevent you from sleeping soundly at night. As difficult as it may be, try to avoid taking naps as a general rule.
Eliminate Screens
Begin making a habit out of shutting down all your screens at least half an hour before bedtime. The blue light from the screens makes it hard for our brain to unwind and sleep properly. Make sure you aren’t using your laptop or phone too close to the time that you go to sleep. It will make such a difference.
Create A Routine
As we all know, habits are hard to break and even harder to form. All the same, if you want to improve your relationship with sleep, you need to create a nighttime routine for yourself. This will help you calm down before bed and your body will begin to know when it’s time to unwind. Yoga is a great thing to do before bed since the stretching will help relax your muscles.
Take A Warm Bath
Another way to calm down before bed is to take a warm bath. The hot water can soothe the muscles and release stress withheld in the body. This way, you’ll be calm and ready for sleep as soon as you get into bed.
Avoid Alcohol
While wine may make you drowsy, it actually damages the quality of your REM sleep cycle. Try to avoid drinking a lot of alcohol – or any – before bed.
No Caffeine After 12 PM
Another stimulant, caffeine can keep you awake much longer than you’d like. If you need coffee every day, drink it in the morning. The reasoning behind this is that caffeine stays in the bloodstream for a whopping 12 hours in total. While you still experience a crash an hour or so after drinking coffee, the caffeine actually doesn’t lose effect till much later. If you want a hot drink later in the day, opt for tea that has no caffeine.