The Small Loop on the Back of Shirts Has a Purpose
Shirts have a tiny loop on the back that serves more purposes than just aesthetics. It serves a purpose. Sailors who were short on room on their ships came up with it. While at sea, they were able to hang stuff up thanks to the loops! The next time you run out of closet space, thank you for shirt loops.

The Small Loop On The Back Of Shirts Has A Purpose
How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener?
You may still use two hands to open your food if you are in the outdoors without a can opener. Locate an abrasive surface, such as rocks, first. To smooth the metal, turn the can over so that the ridges are facing down and rub away. Later on, it will be simpler to squeeze because the grip will go from tight to loose. When you are ready, squeeze the can shut with one hand while holding it with the other. The food ought to be served immediately!

How To Open A Can Without A Can Opener