Maple Syrup Bottle Handles: A Unique Design Element
You may have wondered what the small knobs on bottles of maple syrup are used for. In fact, they are a holdover from a time when they were used to transport several 5-pound weights on a single journey using loop rope. Even though we have 10-pounders now, the handle is still a common design feature.

Maple Syrup Bottle Handles A Unique Design Element
The Unique Benefits of Those 2 Holes in Your Sneakers
The purpose of those two-hole Converse sneakers goes beyond style. They are used in unexpected ways. Usually, sweat and bacteria cause sneakers to smell, however those holes can aid in ventilation. The other is to allow the shoelaces to hook in and offer support when jogging or walking.

The Unique Benefits Of Those 2 Holes In Your Sneakers