A Parenting Blogger Does Not Expect Her Mother To Criticize His Wife, But He Has A Perfect Response To Her

Published on 07/09/2020

A Loving Father

Clint was determined to take care of his children as a loving father. He knew the feeling of a child that had been separated from his father. He also knew how it felt for someone not to have a male model in his life. It inspired him to do his best to be involved in their kids’ lives. He shared his experience with his kids. He could say that taking care of his kids was “snarky, needy, wonderful, and frustrating.” When he took care of his kids, the father realized the idea that he had to change the way of his life. It was the time that he would start a new life with his kids.

A Loving Father

A Loving Father


Daddy Blogger

When he tried doing various things as a father like taking care of his bills and changing the diapers of his child at the time, He knew it was hard, but fun being a parent. After he experienced life with his family, he chose to do another passion. The father of the family wanted to write about his life. Later, he published his blog named “No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog.” Even though he had a primary job as a student services coordinator at Oregon State University, he was still a loving husband and father to his family. He always managed a way to find a chance to write a blog.

Daddy Blogger

Daddy Blogger