Does the law ever seem strange to you? Well it should! The laws that we know today were typically put together by a lawyer and a litigation team at different points in time over different points in our county’s history. We’re here to look at some of the crazy laws that were put on the books and forgotten about – but still apply today! #3 will blow your mind!
New Hampshire’s Movie Law.
For no reason that we can fathom it is illegal to screen a film in New Hampshire at any time before 2 PM. We aren’t sure at what point in time this law may have come about but it could really wreck the matinee slate at the local theater!

New Hampshires Movie Law
New Jersey’s Murder Law Twist
Murder is always bad and that makes it illegal everywhere in the United States. Still, New Jersey decided to put even more layers on their murder laws. Murderers in New Jersey are not allowed to wear bullet proof vests while committing their crime. Huh. We’re not sure that a wrongful death lawyer would do much with This.

New Jerseys Murder Law Twist
Iowa and the One Armed Pianists
In Iowa it is illegal for a one armed piano player to charge money for their performance. Was this law a joke that got penciled in by some bored personal injury attorney? We’d think that one armed pianists could charge more. Who knew?

Iowa And The One Armed Pianists
Finland’s Scaled Traffic Fines
Have you ever felt like that speeding ticket costs just a bit too much? Well, in Finland traffic fines are based on how much the offender is earning. That means a high income individual will pay more for a speeding fine than a broke person.

Finlands Scaled Traffic Fines
Kansas’ Paradoxical Train Laws
We can only assume some bored mesothelioma attorney with a train affinity came up with this law. Kansas has a law that states that two trains who meet on the same track mustn’t proceed until the other one has passed. So, who gets to go first? We have no idea, this is too deep for us.

Kansas Paradoxical Train Laws
Canadian Currency Act
Have you ever seen those prank videos on YouTube where someone will pay for a purchase with a hilarious amount of loose change? Well, Canada doesn’t find those videos very funny. The Canadian Currency Act prohibits consumers from using an ‘unreasonable amount’ of coin to pay for a purchase.

Canadian Currency Act
Michigan’s Relaxed Gun Laws
We’re sure that this law isn’t enforced anymore — we hope, at least. In Michigan as long as you are 12 years old and don’t have a felony, you are allowed to own your own handgun. Is this a rural thing? Are 12 year olds all over the Midwest packing heat? Wait, which 12 year olds would have a felony anyway?

Michigans Relaxed Gun Laws
Missouri Margarine Law
Missouri has a very specific law that bans the sale of any yellow margarine within the state. The Agriculture Department assumes that this 19th century law was developed to protect the dairy industry. Offenders can get thrown in jail for up to six months.

Missouri Margarine Law
Montana’s Disgraceful Indian Laws
Montana is not only a huge and remote state, it is also home to some of the most offensive laws we can imagine. There is a law on the books in Montana that says a group of seven or more Indians can be considered a ‘raiding or war party’ and that they can legally be shot. Yeah, someone better render litigation quickly to get this off of the books.

Montanas Disgraceful Indian Laws
Singapore Hates Litter Bugs
Singapore put a law on the books in 1968 that was meant to come down hard on litter bugs. If you litter in Singapore you will be hit with a $1,000 fine as well as community labor.

Singapore Hates Litter Bugs
North Dakota Hates Bar Food
For someone inexplicable reason North Dakota deemed it important to outlaw the serving of pretzels and beer at the same time. The only assumption that we can make is that North Dakota hates having a good time. That, or some personal injury attorney choked on a pretzel during a night out. Have you ever had beer and a few pretzels at the same time? Delicious.

North Dakota Hates Bar Food
Michigan Outlaws Saggy Pants
Chief of Police David Dicks, for Flint, Michigan, made headlines around the country when he told his officers to arrest anybody wearing what they deemed to be ‘saggy pants’. The law was considered unconstitutional but it is still being enforced in Flint.

Michigan Outlaws Saggy Pants
Pennsylvania Shuns Fortune Tellers
We don’t really think there’s much to say about fortune tellers that hasn’t already been said. However, one law in Pennsylvania might draw your interest. Apparently it is against the law for a customer to tell their fortune teller where they should dig for buried treasure. This sounds too bizarre to be true, but it is.

Pennsylvania Shuns Fortune Tellers
South Carolina Pinball Legislation
Poker, slot machines, and pinball. Wait, no that last one shouldn’t be in the list. South Carolina, for whatever reason, has made it illegal for anyone under the age of 18 in South Carolina. Does this have something to do with kids sneaking in bars to play pinball machines? Is that a widespread problem there? Who can possibly know.

South Carolina Pinball Legislation
Alabama Bear Wrestling
No, this isn’t the name of the newest wrestling federation to anger the World Wildlife Foundation. In Alabama it is apparently very illegal for people to wrestle bears. Bear wrestling, believe it or not, used to be quite popular as a sport. This law was put in place to protect both people and bears from one another.

Alabama Bear Wrestling
North Carolina Bingo Laws
Apparently Bingo can get pretty wild in North Carolina, that or someone got bored enough to write up pointless legislation. In Bingo a game is not allowed to go any longer than five hours. Is this law put in place to protect the players from blood circulation issues? Is there a halftime at some point in the game?

North Carolina Bingo Laws
Illinois Culinary Booze Loophole
You have to be 21 in order to drink alcohol while living in Illinois. However, there is a loophole. If you are enrolled in a culinary school you are allowed to drink while underage. The downside is that you won’t have an time to actually drink. Culinary school is one tough business and you’ll need a drink when you graduate.

Serving Alcohol
Georgia’s Back Pocket Ice Cream
A nice cup of cold ice cream on a hot Georgia day sounds pretty appealing, doesn’t it? Unfortunately it is against the law to put that same ice cream in your back pocket on a Sunday. Well, is that unfortunate? Who has ever had to deal with this problem? What court ever had to issue a ruling? How did they verify for evidence? By looking at a persons’ nasty ice cream riddled jeans?

Georgias Back Pocket Ice Cream
Say Arkansas Right — Or Else
When in Arkansas you had better be prepared to pronounce the name of the state correctly. Apparently it is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas while still within state lines. Once you get over the border though feel free to mispronounce it as much as possible. This law is also very unconstitutional, at least we are pretty sure, as it puts a curb on your own freedom of speech.

Say Arkansas Right Or Else
No Fun in Washington
If you ever make your way to Washington prepare to enjoy the gorgeous weather and wonderful local businesses. Just don’t expect to find your way to a sweet shop filled with lollipops. Apparently it is very illegal to sell lollipops of any kind in Washington. Why? We have no idea. We can only assume this came about as some sort of health concern from a wrongful death lawyer. That, or people just don’t enjoy good things in Washington.

No Fun In Washington